Breaking NEWS and important commentary, to keep you informed and your family safe. 

You can’t have Freedom or Liberty without also accepting you have Responsibilities.

Freedom is not Free.  

Good Citizens are informed, educated, compassionate and outspoken.

Stay informed
current news and headlines

Covid can cause illness, hospitalization, permanent disabilities, and death. 

700,000 Dead in America. Millions dead around the world.   

More than 500,000 did not have to die.  

Just like drunk drivers claim they have a right to drink and drive, Anti-Maskers claim they have a right to murder and cripple.



Every claim of substantive electoral fraud in the 2020 Presidential election has been proven to be a hoax, or and a lie. 

Lies told by conmen trying to profit off the gullible and the uninformed.

Many people who believed the Conmen have committed criminal offenses, resulting in bodily injury and death of innocent and decent people.

Don’t be fooled by the liars, who are using you to get richer, and who stoke fear to control and manipulate you.

NEWS and COMENTARY from around the country
that you need to see to understand

what you need to know

What would you do to save your children? Save your country?

All across America people have lost loved ones, children, parents, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives. We are approaching 700,000 dead in these United States. Most of them, half a million at least, did not need to die. The reasons why these people needlessly died, is now coming to a school near you, and is

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What can you do to protect your children? What every parent needs to know.

According to both the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and multiple children’s welfare and health organizations, children now make up more than twenty percent of Covid patients, and growing. Children’s hospitals across the country are full or filling up with Covid patients, leaving no room for children with cancer, or head trauma, or any number

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....on the level....
honest news and the latest commentary

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