What would you do to save your children? Save your country?

All across America people have lost loved ones, children, parents, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.

We are approaching 700,000 dead in these United States. Most of them, half a million at least, did not need to die.

The reasons why these people needlessly died, is now coming to a school near you, and is aimed directly at your children.

Covid came to this country in the first weeks of 2020, a midst denial and lies from an administration that made such memorable quotes as “You will see. It will disappear. Like Magic” and Covid is a hoax.” “It’s not real.” and the ever present, “It’s fake news.”

With more than a half a million dead, those lies can no longer be swallowed, even by the most gullible of of Americans. Only the truly mentally ill, or mentally impaired still believe those lies.

Now we are faced with a different threat, a different kind of lie. But all of these lie have one thing in common, they are meant to control and intimidate the vast majority of Americans by the few who benefit from the lies.

So who benefits?

To determine that, you must know what is motivating the Anti-Maskers and other groups behind these lies.

Mostly it is driven by the fear of one man, and his dedicated followers that are ridding his coattails in order to maintain and increase their personal power.

IF Donald Trump admits that the Vaccine is necessary, and Masks work, then he has to admit everything he said about the virus was a fraud, and a lie, and if he does that, it is perceived people will not follow him any longer, and the only hope of the White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis of holding and gaining more power will vanish.

This is why Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and a whole host of America’s Enemies, such as Russia, China, and Iran are so firmly behind these groups and this propaganda campaign against sanity and science in America.

America’s enemies want to see us stumble and fall.

Putin [the leader of China]want to see America move into the Fascist Column of nations along side themselves, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

To put it plainly, our enemies see Trump and his fascist allies as the best, easiest and safest bet to destroy America, and they don’t care if your children or anyone else is in the cross hairs.

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So when you wonder where these anti-maskers are coming from? Or why people can’t be reasonable to see that wearing a mask, or getting vaccinated would save lives and allow us to open our society again?

Fast forward to September, 2022 and even with 700,000 dead, America is battling anti-maskers, Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists, and wile they re a very small minority, they are forcing the majority of Americans to bow their heads in supplication to their terrorist demands.

These terrorists, for we can call them nothing less, unable to gin-up fake rage to motivate their small but vocal and violent racist base, seized upon the pandemic as a way to sew lies, mistrust and fear. In the hopes of seizing more power, perhaps permanently in the chaos they have wrought and continuing to rain down upon the innocent.

The anti-maskers terrorists are not exercising freedom by refusing to wear masks and spreading the virus, they are perpetrating murder.

More than 500,000 Americans did not have to die. They were MURDERED by the Anti-Maskers and Covid Deniers.

You stood by and didn’t speak out when they were killing your parents, or the immune compromised, or the vulnerable.

You stood by while they closed our economy for more than a year by refusing to mask up, social distance and stop the spread.

Most of you, like so many other times in the past, kept silent in the face of these Fascist, cruel and evil people murdering “others” as long as it didn’t affect you.

I say most, but not all.

For some the death of George Floyd on top of the pandemic, the pain and suffering of people out of work, and the continued bombardment of the lies and misinformation was to much and you marched, you stood up, and you forced out the leader of the fascist movement.

With the ousting of Trump, the majority of you went back into head down mode.

The problem is, the Fascists, the Neo-Nazis, the White Supremacists went into full tilt overdrive mode.

They are targeting voting rights, because they figured out that if we can vote, and if the votes are counted, their small minority that benefits the few at the expense of everyone and everything else, can’t win. So they are now rigging it to ensure they stay in power, and strip minorities, working people, women and anyone else the see as a threat of their rights.

They even went so far as to ban any teaching that is aimed at combating racism and fascism.

So what will you do now that they are not only limiting your children’s education, they are actively trying to kill them?

Are you going to continue with your head down while they target teachers, school board members and other parents for attacks on their homes and their persons? Will you allow them to endanger and kill your children?

With the pandemic, came opportunists seeking to take advantage of others pain and suffering, like parasites, are using the pandemic to bolster their failing power base, to hold and regain power.

You have mostly stood idly by, but now they are coming after your children.

What will lit take for you to stand up against these terrorists?

“Wait”, you might say. “Not all of these anti-Maskers at our school board meetings are terrorists, or fascists.”

You are correct not all of them are. Some of them are stressed out parents who have just forgotten how to reason and are facing temporary mental instability.

To put this in perspective. I live near a school district with about ten-thousand parents, and about two hundred are very vocal anti-maskers, with a smattering of white supremacists and Neo-Nazis thrown in for good measure. As they tend to flock together.

If we look at the mental health statistics in the United states, we will find that little over 5% of Americans will suffer some form of severe mental incapacitation, or illness and require treatment or medication in times of stress, or even due to the daily challenges of life.

Approximately 1% of Americans should be receiving mental health care at all times based upon information we have from the National Institutes of Mental Health, and many other well respected medical and mental health organizations.

Now if you take that 10,000 and you look at just 5% of 10,000, you get about 500 people. Given the current stress with the pandemic, the challenge with the white supremacists, and Nazis, and the attempted coup of our government by the previous administration, you begin to understand why these people might have snapped, and why they are showing up with no masks at school board meetings, screaming and threatening to kill and maim and intimidate teachers, board members, and anyone else that they think they can get away with.

With pandemic job losses caused by lock-downs, which intern have mostly been caused and extended by anti-maskers spreading the epidemic, and angry violent white men threatening anyone challenging what they say while insisting people not take the vaccine, or wear masks. Violent and crazed groups organized by the likes of Tucker Carlson, Governor DeSantis, Senator Ron Johnson, congresswoman Green and others.

These terrorists and their leaders have pushed their failed agenda and demanded the right and freedom to murder, kill, and maim innocent people, including children, because they are to afraid to loose power, and are using the pandemic as an excuse to sew chaos and misinformation about masks, and vaccines. Because only in chaos, and with confusion will people listen to their twisted, racist and insane message.

With all of that to contend to, is it no wonder some people are succumbing to mental illness and conspiracy theories and ideas that the average person would normally laugh off, are now become accepted as normal?

Now your children are their targets.

Will you finally stand up and do something?

Is it worth a little discomfort to save your children’s live and their future?

When we look at who is at these school board meetings, we find a majority of the anti-maskers are parents suffering stress and bombarded with misinformation, being herded and lead by a very few violent and truly evil people.

Not counting the handful of true evil, if we look at the mental health statistics in the United states, we will find that little over 5% of Americans will suffer some form of severe mental incapacitation, or illness and require treatment or medication in times of stress during their lives, or even due to the daily challenges of life in general.

Approximately 1% of Americans it is noted should be receiving mental health care at all times based upon information we have from the National Institutes of Mental Health, and many other well respected medical and mental health organizations. Included in this small number, we could probably fit the truly violent racists of our society

Now if you take that those 10,000 parents and break it down, and you look at just 5% of 10,000, you get about 500 people. Given the current stress with the pandemic, the challenge with the white supremacists, and Nazis, and the attempted coup of our government by the previous administration, you begin to understand why these people might have snapped, and why they are showing up with no masks at school board meetings, screaming and threatening to kill and maim and intimidate teachers, board members, and anyone else that they think they can get away with intimidating.

Most are just parents who are at whits end. They are scared, worried about eviction, bills, the mortgage and in complete denial of reality and so are easy prey for the truly evil among them.

Just like a five year old who sticks his fingers in his ears and screams he can’t hear you. They are screaming because they can’t handle what is happening.

But we can’t let a five year-old or those acting like them, endanger our children, or even themselves.

It is time for the adults to assert reality upon the delusional, and to face done the truly cruel and evil that would harm and murder our children and our families.

These Anti-Masker terrorists make up less than five percent of us. But these thugs, criminals and mentally ill, will continue to spread violence, lies and death until stopped.

You would think, that our police officers would help protect us from these people, that they would arrest them. That they would charge them. But the won’t even enforce mask mandates.

Why? Because there are very powerful people in politics who see the anti-maskers as a weapon to be used, and they are weaponizing these anti-maskers, regardless the cost in human lives and suffering.

Politicians are using the Nazis, the White Supremacists and mentally ill, as weapons. Weapons wielded by the minority to force the majority into subjugation.

With everything we are seeing, all across this country it is still mind boggling to see this small percentage, this coalition of terrorists and mentally ill, intimidating and threatening and forcing the majority to cower and surrender.

But now is not the time to cower, for Evil will triumph when good men and women do nothing, or not enough.

Colonists did not cower to the Royalist British.

True Americans did cower to the evil slave owning White Supremacist of the South.

Nor did decent Americans side with Germany’s Nazis leaders or cave in to the sneak attack of the fascist Japanese Generals and their puppet Emperor in WW II.

We are Americans, and we face Terrorists like any other challenge head on.

We know what has to be done, you just have to get off your ass and do it.

Will it be safe? Probably not.

Will it be easy? Easier than you think, but not easy.

What do I have to do? You are asking.

The answer is simpler than you think.

  • First, get vaccinated.

Being vaccinated puts you at an advantage over the anti-masker and anti-vaxer terrorists.

  • Second, wear a mask.

Even if you are vaccinated, you can still get the Delta variant and probably newer variants that are coming, but you will be much less likely to get seriously ill, or die if you are vaccinated, and less likely to catch Covid if you are wearing a mask.

Is there some risk? Of course there is risk. Walking down stairs is a risk. Vaccinated and masked, your chances of serious Covid complications are very, very small.

Let fear inform you to do what is prudent, and avoid being reckless, but not to cower. That is the whole point of wearing a mask and getting vaccinated. Remember, it is the fear they want, which is why they don’t want you vaccinated and masked.

Besides, you are going to have to confront the virus to confront the anti-maskers as they use the virus and fear of the virus as a weapon to control you. And there is no choice. We must confront the terrorists.

You can take precautions against the Virus, just as you can take precautions against the terrorists.

Neither will be fully “safe” but in not doing so, you are condemning yourself and your children to cowering your entire life.

In seeking to avoid both for the sake of safety you will loose not only your freedom but condemn your children to the tyranny of the few, and the yoke of servitude and oppression.

You may also have heard similar words form the terrorists, because they have twisted and perverted the words “Freedom and Liberty”. Equating wearing a mask with giving up freedom. And getting Vaccinated with bowing to tyranny. These false equivalencies are part of their BIG LIE.

In some things we all give up some small amount of personal freedom for the good of society. You wear pants, a shirt and shoes into businesses don’t you?

You wear seatbelts when driving or get a ticket right?

You follow the laws and drive on the correct side of the road, obey street lights, and stop signs. Don’t you?

This Big Lie about Masks taking away your freedom, or Vaccines meaning giving into tyranny are just meant to scare and control you.

With very, very few exceptions, and only for documented legitimate medical issues, we require our children vaccinated against measles, mumps, chickenpox, and other diseases before attending school.

When we travel to foreign countries, we have to get vaccinations for Yellow Fever, or other dangerous diseases.

In school, many children are even required to wear a uniform, and this is not violently protested, teachers and school Board members homes and persons attacked.

When you stop and think, you will see, these terrorists are either deeply troubled individuals, cowardly, cruel and evil people.

If like these cowards claim, they will die for their country, why won’t they wear a mask for their country?

Because they are sick, and delusional, or are trying to intimidate and control you with their cruelty or insanity.

In the last two-hundred and fifty years, our nation has faced many challenges and always risen to be better, more inclusive, and kinder as a whole after each challenge.

Once again on the brink of falling, and this time if we fall, there may be no recovery.

We can not afford to wait. We must move now to stop this coalition of fascists, anti-maskers and Neo-Nazis before they gain more power.

We must stand up to them and crush them. And get help for those who are truly mentally ill, and not just cruel and angry thugs who wish only to exert control by forcing others to endure death and hardship.

Do you remember I mentioned that school district near me? The one with 10,000 parents of which a few hundred would show up with the school board meetings and terrorize the school board members, or would bombard them with emails and Facebook messages and parade in front of their homes and threaten them?

Well it wouldn’t take much to stop them. If we act now.

All our school boards need is for 10% of the parents that aren’t cruel, evil or mentally ill to show up and tell the psychotics and Nazis to shut up.

Is this risky during a pandemic, or when facing terrorists?

More so for them if we are vaccinated and masked. Let them die for their lies, not kill our children for them.

Are your children and your country worth it? Mine are.

If there’s one thing we have learned about the Nazis and the white supremacists, it is they are bullies and cowards at heart and in action.

When we stand up against these terrorists, they crawl back under their rocks. and that is what we need to do.

We need to show up and shove these cowardly scum back under their rocks, if not pound them into the ground with them.

These terrorists, are killing our society, they’re killing our democracy, and they’re killing our children our parents and everyone we love, and they don’t care if they themselves or their own children die because they are so twisted.

So the next time your school board is going to meet, get your ass over there, even if you’re in a room full of anti maskers.

Bring friends with you, and bring big signs with very sturdy sign poles in case there’s a hard wind blowing. Because you know these guys blow awful hard.

If enough of us show up, they will take tail and run. They always do. They are cowards after all, that prey on children and the weak.

We can have safety, we can have freedom, and we can put this virus behind us but not until we confront and defeat these anti-maskers, these Nazis and White Supremacists, and get help for the mentally ill.

As to the power hungry con men and women who are egging them on, urging them to violence, murder and lawless acts, those dangers I’m afraid are going to be with us for a long, long time and we must be ever vigilant to crush them and eradicate them whenever their heads peek out from under their rocks.

Most of all, to defeat evil, SPEAK TRUTH and CARRY A BIGGER STICK!

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